Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Kids & Obesity

It's been in the news lately that America is FAT! Even our poor kids are getting a bad rap. How do they get these unhealthy habits you ask? I believe it starts with our relationship with food.

This news story calls our attention to the staggering rates of obesity in children statewide. As a northerner I am not surprised by the southern states leading the charge in obesity. All that comfort food and delicious delights to enjoy. As a young adult I have struggled with my own relationship with food. So you're reading this and you're like what is the point of all of this?

My new gig where I am responsible for generating new business hosts cooking classes for kids. It helps teach them how to prepare their own meals, and can even help them improve their relationship with food. You can sign up your kids for a special one time class or even an intense summer camp. If you're interested in helping your kid fight the fat or learn more about cooking, please visit their website at

The product and the service are great. Culinary masters created the material and execute the program. Drop me a line there at if you would like some more info.

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