Thursday, July 2, 2009

Happy Early 4th of July Weekend!

As many of you begin to head out to your long weekend vacations, it seems the my work has just begun. I am talking about my family is heading to town. The hurricane arrives around 1 pm tomorrow and I will be seeing them for better or worse till Sunday. Before they head into town I have many things to accomplish!

I will not be having your typical 4th of July BBQ fare this weekend. Why? The extended family is having a wedding in the Dulles area. What does this mean? Lots of drinks, lots of food and plenty of laughs. Did I mention little sleep? Being unemployed does have it's perks, especially when you're a consultant and you can make your own hours.

If you're in Loudoun County this weekend you should definitely check out Cookology. Can you tell I have a new gig and I am trying to suggest it to all those greater DC residents? Why? Because cooking is fun. If you're new to cooking or you just want to improve your skills on the knife, we've got something for you, your family and even your fellow co-workers.

Hope you all eat too much, drink too much and you're merry!

Happy Early 4th of July Peeps!

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