Monday, April 15, 2013

Corporate Relationships & Non Profits

Corporations belong to non profits to gain greater or friendlier access to their customers.  Associations are able to provide captive target audiences to corporations within their industry.  During the hey dey of associations corporations would woo us and we were watching the money coming in.  Today, it's a very different arena.

It used to be you sent out an email and the exhibit contracts came flowing in, simply by virtue of the health of your association's memberships.  With the economic decline, and less people renewing their dues it's become a challenge to continue to deliver value to corporations who provide corporate support.

Here are some things that I have learned this year, while having this as part of my job responsibilities:

  1. History matters -- if you have consistently brought a target audience to a conference or event, you should let your corporations know. 
  2. Innovation matters -- it's not just about having the booth space, but also sponsoring the wi-fi, printer stands, and other things that attendees require while on site. 
  3. Planning matters - not just on your part, but the part of the company.  In order for them to get the most out of your event, they have to have their expectations set. 
  4. Relationships matter - talk to your exhibitors not just during the time of year to ask them for their money, but just to find out how they are doing as humans.  
What are some things that you do to keep your corporations satisfied with your events? 

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